$2B in dead money with a $200M+ price tag
Every year suppliers collectively tie up more than $2 billion in accruals to account for the impending
recovery audit season. As a result, these funds rarely find their way where they belong - creating value in promotional, R&D, and other profit-making activities.
At the other end of the market, retailers collectively pay more than $200 million in annual contingency fees to outside recovery audit firms. But these firms only address symptoms, rather than the root-cause, of the errors that make the recovery audit process necessary in the first place.
Based on these firms' 40-plus years of accumulated industry knowledge, coupled with major technological advances, shouldn't retailers expect the same innovation leaps and value creation enjoyed by industries with similar dynamics?
Instead, these firms offer the same old pay-and-chase model every year with undifferentiated service levels and results. Wouldn't you prefer to confront these issues proactively on your own terms, rather than this continued dependence on outside firms to do so reactively?
Nothing changes until something changes.